Encouragement for Jenna

September Impact Story

Jenna* reached out to New Mercies several months ago, overwhelmed by the challenges of single-parenting two children. She was struggling to keep up with bills because she had no one to watch her children while she worked extra hours. This put Jenna at risk of losing important necessities like housing, which could have led to losing custody of her kids. The stress was also impacting her relationship with her children and her ability to parent in a healthy way.

Jenna’s situation is exactly where New Mercies can make the biggest difference. By offering temporary hostings for children and supporting parents every step of the way, our volunteers help moms like Jenna regain stability before foster care becomes necessary.

A Host Family opened their home to Jenna’s children so she could work toward getting back on her feet. At the same time, Jenna’s Family Coach, Audrey, began walking alongside her. Audrey provided encouragement for Jenna as she achieved her goals of financial stability, helping her feel more supported and less overwhelmed. Audrey also encouraged Jenna as she deepened her walk with the Lord and parented her children during the hosting.

Audrey provided encouragement for Jenna as she achieved her goals of financial stability, helping her feel more supported and less overwhelmed.

Jenna continued taking her children to sports events each week throughout the hosting, which created opportunities for the Host Mom and Audrey to discuss parenting strategies. Jenna’s 5-year-old daughter would often become upset and respond emotionally when asked to do something, and Jenna felt unequipped to handle these moments. Each time Jenna picked her kids up for a game, Audrey and the Host Mom would walk her through how to respond more effectively to her daughter and offer encouragement if it did not go well.

Each time Jenna picked her kids up for a game, Audrey and the Host Mom would walk her through how to respond more effectively to her daughter and offer encouragement if it did not go well.

After several weeks, Jenna reached her employment and financial goals and was able to reunite safely with her children. She now has new parenting skills to handle their care, which will help prevent unhealthy stress and its negative impacts on the family. She is also attending church regularly and has been encouraged by Audrey to stay grounded in the Word and prayer. What a difference a circle of loving believers can make!

*Name changed to protect privacy.