Hosting a Teen

August Impact Story

Most of the families New Mercies serves have young children. Volunteers love on children as they learn to walk, talk, and interact with other people. But sometimes, a Host Family feels called to host a teen who needs a stable place to live. While rare, this type of hosting can start a beautiful relationship. The Host Family is able to speak into the life of a young adult as he or she begins to make decisions about faith and future plans.

One of our Host Families has been hosting a teen in this situation for several months now. Both parents feel called to host young adults because there is such a need for that kind of hosting. The Host Mom says, “I always feel like when I hear a story of a teenager having the courage to reach out to a teacher or a guidance counselor, that it takes so much courage. It is so hard to go live with strangers, but they are asking because their situation is so bad.”

Sophia* had been living with a sibling due to some difficult circumstances at home. The environment was safe but not a good place for her to finish high school, so a teacher reached out to New Mercies requesting a hosting.

“I always feel like when I hear a story of a teenager having the courage to reach out to a teacher or a guidance counselor, that it takes so much courage. It is so hard to go live with strangers, but they are asking because their situation is so bad.”

The Host Family has enjoyed doing life with Sophia so far, watching her graduate from school and begin deciding on a career. They have had many conversations about dating, college choices, and other normal things they discuss with their own children. The Host Mom describes it as helping her through “becoming a whole and healthy person.” Sophia has asked many questions herself and has a curious spirit. Her Host Family has enjoyed watching her try new things.

Most importantly, there have been some powerful Gospel moments. Sophia was raised Catholic, so she knew parts of the Gospel before the hosting. But after many conversations with her Host Family, Sophia is really coming to understand who Jesus is—and this is the first time she’s enjoyed going to church. Now, she schedules her work shifts so that she can attend church with her Host Family each week. The Host Family describes her heart as soft toward Jesus. To sum it all up, her Host Mom says, “She’s awesome!”

But after many conversations with her Host Family, Sophia is really coming to understand who Jesus is—and this is the first time she’s enjoyed going to church.

This is the amazing part about hosting teens. As Sophia’s Host Mom said, “It’s big and parts are scary, but if a kid is willing to ask for help, there is a huge opportunity.” During this hosting, the Host Family has been able to fulfill their calling – ministering to a young adult as she makes decisions that set the trajectory of her life.

Sophia has seen what a healthy family looks like and heard the Gospel from committed, caring believers, as well as from a church community. The Host Family plans to stay in contact with Sophia as she begins college and a career. This Christ-centered relationship will continue as they interact with Sophia as peers, providing her with solid support and love!

*Name changed to protect privacy