"It Was All So Great!"

July Impact Story

It takes many volunteers to host a child. Host Families open their homes for a hosting. Several Support Volunteers might bring meals or transport a child. The Family Coach helps coordinate these moving parts so that each child is cared for in a loving home and his or her parent can regain stability.

This process is always a beautiful example of believers coming together to care for families. During a recent hosting, the need for the entire body of Christ was clear. A Host Family, Drew and Chris, agreed to host baby Jade* for several weeks while her mom, Mariah*, got back on her feet. Right away, Drew’s three boys loved having a little one around!

Since Drew worked a few days each week, another Host Family provided childcare for Jade during those times. After the first weeks, the hosting was unexpectedly extended so Mariah could achieve the stability goals she had set with her Family Coach, Joel. Because of the new hosting length, the Host Family who had helped watch Jade while Drew worked needed to step back from the hosting. That’s when the body of Christ really showed up!

Another Host Family began watching Jade for the days Drew worked. Support Volunteers provided meals for Drew and Chris’s family while they hosted Jade for additional weeks. Throughout the hosting, transportation volunteers helped drive Jade to wherever she needed to go. Drew felt it was the first hosting where she got to see everything work as designed, meaning it took a village of volunteers to make it successful. In her words, “It was all so great!”

Drew felt it was the first hosting where she got to see everything work as designed, meaning it took a village of volunteers to make it successful. In her words, “It was all so great!”

In the end, the hosting lasted three months. During this one hosting, Mariah got to meet many caring believers and developed a relationship with several of them. The Church worked together to protect and show love to a precious baby girl. What an example of believers obeying God’s call and serving as one body!

*Names changed to protect confidentiality